Lehre & Forschung

Gerne informieren wir Sie über die aktuellen Studien des Ostschweizer Zentrums für Bewegungsstörungen.


Prospective, multicounty, multi-centre, observational, parallel-group study / Class: A

Status: active, not recruiting


Developing an EEG-based approach to DBS-frequency modulation in Parkinson's disease (DEEP-FREP)

Status: planned


Multi-center study for the Validation of a new Pain Questionnaire in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD)

Status: ongoing, recruiting

Sensory Trick

The role of the sensory trick in gating multimodal afferents in adult-onset idiopathic focal dystonia

Status: recruiting


European multicenter retrospective-prospective cohort study to observe Safinamide safety profile and pattern of use in clinical practice during the first post-commercialization phase– Study Z7219N02

Status: completed


Tremoranalyse und Unterscheidung verschiedener Tremorformen mittels sensorgestützter Bewegungsanalyse

Status: offen, Rekrutierung läuft


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